Learning & Inspiration
  • A Vision of PeaceOn the 10th of Kislev, the second Rebbe of Chabad, Rabbi DovBer, was liberated from prison. Read More
  • Take the Dinah QuizTest your knowledge of the sister to the 12 Tribes. Read More
  • Jacob vs. IsraelWhat is the significance of Jacob's names? If Israel is so special, why keep Jacob? Read More
  • Did Esau Really Forgive Jacob?The plain reading of the relevant verses suggests this; however, there is debate about what actually... Read More
In 1974, a new apparition began to make its appearance in the streets of Manhattan. Even in that hubbub of crowd and clamor, this strange vehicle attracted attention.
It was a standard van of the “U-Haul” or “Ryder” variety. It’s back door was rolled up, showing a cargo of one large wooden table, two wooden benches, and a dozen young men with beards and black hats. From a loudspeaker taped to its roof issued forth a medley of Chassidic songs played on high volume—that is, high enough to make itself heard above the din of a Manhattan street corner. Large posters taped to the sides of the moving van proclaimed: “MITZVAH TANK”, “Teffilin on board” and “Mitzvot On The Spot For People On The Go.”

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Candle Lighting Times
Crown Heights, Brooklyn, NY
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Dec. 25 - Jan. 2
Daily Thought
Do you want to make miracles? It’s not so hard. Let’s say you see someone’s faults and you truly want to help—whether it be a friend, a spouse, your child or even your nemesis. Don’t say a word about what you have found wrong. Instead, find something wondrous about that person, perhaps something that nobody ever mentions. Talk about it—to yourself, and to those who will listen and sympathize. In very little time, you will see such a new person, you...
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